Dear Reader,

Fall harvest
Welcome to Inconstant Gardener’s home! This site is created and managed by Hecate Foley, which is my pen name as a writer of creative nonfiction. I garden and blog in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. Happy Valley, we locals often call it, only a bit tongue-in-cheek.
Like a garden, the site is a permanent work in progress. It opened in October 2020; the infrastructure may change as I learn more about some of the fancier options out there. For now, though, you get plain vanilla with lots of pictures.
To find out more about the site, see the About page.
You can find the most recent blog posts in the list at the upper right of every page or post. You can locate older ones by using the drop-down monthly box, also at upper right. Or just go to the Blog link.
And if you’d like to meet Tamerlane the woodchuck, who may be making frequent appearances in the blog as in the garden, just go to the very first post.