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Tag Archives: seed catalog
Falling Behind
Every year before this one, fall has come like a kind of reprieve. All those tasks still undone turn moot. Weeds keel over and expire of their own accord. Way too late to plant more veggies; sigh of relief there. The rodent marauders have done pretty much all the visible damage they can manage, and I happily leave the overweening hosta to them. But not this year. Continue reading
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Tagged aronia, beans, climate change, elderberry, fall, frost, garden tasks, garlic, hakonechloa, landscaping fabric, lemongrass, lettuce, Michelle Obama, mulch, pandemic, peas, plants, sage, seed catalog, shallots, snow peas, weeds
For the birds
I was wondering whether there’s anything going on outside that you might want to hear about, and I thought: BIRDS! Who doesn’t love them and want more of them around?
So I looked into birds. That’s when it got interesting. Like a train wreck is interesting.
But hang on, because I also found some inspiration. Continue reading
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Tagged amaryllis, Audubon Society, bird baths, bird feeders, birds, black swallowtail, caterpillar, climate change, Douglas W. Tallamy, extinction, killdeer, milkweed, mockingbird, monarch butterfly, NABCI, narcissus, Native Plant Finder, native plants, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, parsley, peppermint oil, pests and problems, plants, seed catalog, State of the Birds, strawberry, whooping crane
That time of year: Again, but different
Thanksgiving is out of the way till next year, and now Chanukah (starts Dec. 10!) and Christmas (Dec. 25!) and Kwanzaa (starts Dec. 26!) are bearing down on us. It seems to be a Thing, this past week, for everyone from The New York Times to local stores’ e-letters to provide a list of gift suggestions for the holidays.
Why should I be any different? Continue reading
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Tagged AHTA, amaryllis, American Horticultural Therapy Association, canning, Chanukah, charity, Christmas, food bank, forcing bulbs, Gardener's Supply Company, gift, heritage seeds, holiday, horticultural therapy, hunger, hyacinth, IRS, Kwanzaa, narcissus, organic seeds, people, plants, sasanqua camellia, seed catalog, seed company, seeds, Thanksgiving, tools