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Tag Archives: bird feeders
For the birds
I was wondering whether there’s anything going on outside that you might want to hear about, and I thought: BIRDS! Who doesn’t love them and want more of them around?
So I looked into birds. That’s when it got interesting. Like a train wreck is interesting.
But hang on, because I also found some inspiration. Continue reading
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Tagged amaryllis, Audubon Society, bird baths, bird feeders, birds, black swallowtail, caterpillar, climate change, Douglas W. Tallamy, extinction, killdeer, milkweed, mockingbird, monarch butterfly, NABCI, narcissus, Native Plant Finder, native plants, North American Bird Conservation Initiative, parsley, peppermint oil, pests and problems, plants, seed catalog, State of the Birds, strawberry, whooping crane
Division and diversity: A gardener’s tale
In the garden, diversity is the way to go.
I love peonies, but a whole yard full of them? Glory-be would break out in late May, last two to three weeks, and then… nada.
… in honor of election day, I figured it was a good time to start looking at some of the diversity in our country that spans red states and blue states. When you get right down to it, we gardeners all live in green states.
So this past Friday, while two inches of wet snow fell relentlessly on my surroundings, my friend Hillary gave me a tour of her thriving garden in Charleston, South Carolina. Continue reading
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Tagged aloe, bird feeders, butter butt, cleanup, coastal gardening, crape myrtle, fall, hibiscus, hummingbirds, hurricanes, hydrangea, lantana, lawn signs, magnolia, Meyer lemon, papyrus, plants, rock garden, roses, sandy soil, seasons, Siberian dogwood, snow, soil, squirrels, USDA Zone 4, USDA Zone 5, USDA zone 9, vegetables, wild ginger, yellow-rumped warbler, zen garden