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Tag Archives: hakonechloa
Falling Behind
Every year before this one, fall has come like a kind of reprieve. All those tasks still undone turn moot. Weeds keel over and expire of their own accord. Way too late to plant more veggies; sigh of relief there. The rodent marauders have done pretty much all the visible damage they can manage, and I happily leave the overweening hosta to them. But not this year. Continue reading
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Tagged aronia, beans, climate change, elderberry, fall, frost, garden tasks, garlic, hakonechloa, landscaping fabric, lemongrass, lettuce, Michelle Obama, mulch, pandemic, peas, plants, sage, seed catalog, shallots, snow peas, weeds
October surprises (in the garden)
It’s been raining this week. Oh my, how it rained on Wednesday! And it’s here again today, Friday.
Two days ago, cars whipped past on the road outside my workroom window, throwing up sheets of spray in artistic arcs. The birds and the bunny went into hiding. Continue reading
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Tagged cardinal flower, cayenne, cleanup, coneflower, fall, garden tasks, hakonechloa, mulch, plants, rain
Lazier gardening is in style at last!
Fall is arriving so early this year. Too early for me, now matter which standpoint I’m looking from: how much time and effort I’ve put into getting things to grow, only to see them keel over; or the timetable of advice on fall cleanup. Every time I go out to the garden, I find evidence of demise Continue reading
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Tagged bees, cleanup, coldframe, dahlia, dogwood, fall, garden tasks, hakonechloa, heuchera, mulch, peonies, pests and problems, plants, squirrel