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Tag Archives: sage
Falling Behind
Every year before this one, fall has come like a kind of reprieve. All those tasks still undone turn moot. Weeds keel over and expire of their own accord. Way too late to plant more veggies; sigh of relief there. The rodent marauders have done pretty much all the visible damage they can manage, and I happily leave the overweening hosta to them. But not this year. Continue reading
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Tagged aronia, beans, climate change, elderberry, fall, frost, garden tasks, garlic, hakonechloa, landscaping fabric, lemongrass, lettuce, Michelle Obama, mulch, pandemic, peas, plants, sage, seed catalog, shallots, snow peas, weeds
December’s Dull Drums
Other months might spring up or creep up on you or unveil themselves.
December descends. Sometimes with a splat, sometimes with a thump. Sometimes with a whammy.
This time I’d call it a thump. Continue reading
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Tagged amaryllis, bulbs, Chanukah, daylight, earthenware pots, garden tasks, herbs, holiday, indoor gardening, mulch, plants, plastic pots, raised beds, rosemary, sage, salt-marsh hay, snow, solstice, sunrise, sunset