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Tag Archives: white oak
Whose Woods These Are I Surely Know (The Trees, Not So Much)
You know what I like most about winter? It’s the one time of year when I don’t have to feel guilty about neglecting the garden. It’s my duty to neglect it! But I can never let well enough alone, so this winter I signed up for several more courses offered through the Native Plant Trust. Most recently completed: one course on soils, one on trees of New England. Continue reading →
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Tagged American beech, American elm, Amur corktree, bark, buds, cynipid wasp, deciduous, dichotomous key, downy serviceberry, Hop hornbeam, identification, invasives, Japanese barberry, maple, multiflora rose, oak, oak galls, paper birch, pests and problems, red maple, red oak, trees, twig, white oak, white pine